09.03.06 evaluation

eXchange line up for 9.03.06


1. Missions Flame

Video – Crash interview (Jody)

Welcome/announcements/prayer – Jack

Intro Craig and JR – Jack

Craig and JR – Starving Jesus

Instructions for the night – Scot

1. We Must Go

2. Now to Live the Life

3. Everything

Dismiss to serve – Scot



A different night for sure. This is the second time we cut the gathering time short and busted up 500 people into 20 teams and went to serve the community. For more info, check out my blog and Shawn’s as well.

Things were a bit crazy as Craig and JR were not able to get to the church until 30 before go time. The video team scrambled to get the slides and video together. Craig and JR did a good job of sharing their heart and mission of starving Jesus. The band was tight and everybody focused well.

We did feel a crunch for time. We jammed in everything in around 45 min so we could get out the door. The band hit the last note, packed it up, and headed out. We fasted from a long worship set and headed to the community for some hands on worship. Spectacular.

[tags]worship, evaluation, starving jesus, craig gross, jr mahon, crash, serving[/tags]

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