Listen and Speak

image 13 Meanwhile, the messenger who went to get Micaiah said to him, “Look, all the prophets are promising victory for the king. Be sure that you agree with them and promise success.”
14 But Micaiah replied, “As surely as the Lord lives, I will say only what the Lord tells me to say.”
– I Kings 22

Micaiah was in a tough position.  Everyone was telling him what to prophesy.  They were telling him what to say that God says.  His reply told of his amazing character – “I will only say what the Lord tells me to say.”

I want to live like that.  I want to say what God says.  No more and no less.  Regardless of what anyone else is saying, I want to speak what he speaks.  Often, I speak too much.  He would probably have me speak less. Other times I speak very little, he would have me say more.  At times, my content is way off.  I am speaking what Scot thinks, not what God is telling me to say.

Speaking what he tells me to say means that I must listen. Like a parent telling a kid “Go tell Uncle Bob what  you did yesterday,”  God is speaking to me.  He is speaking to all of us.  I want to listen and tell.

Am I listening?  How?  Am I so busy that I don’t stop and listen?
Am I speaking?  I know I am, but am I speaking he words of God?

What about you?

photo by Brooke Anderson

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