Easter – This Sunday 9 and 11


Bam!  I wish I could tell you all that was happening for Easter Sunday.  Let’s just say that it will be off-the-chain.  If I told you all the details, you wouldn’t believe me.  You have to see it to believe it.  Even after you see it, you might not believe it.

Check it.  We were once salvage.  No more.  Why?  We were rescued by a God who is not far away.  He is close, and (the best part), he is alive.  Forget visiting the tomb of Jesus.  He is not there. 

If the last week of final preparation has taught me anything, it has taught me this:  the crew at MCC knows how to rock a party.

So, see you at the party on Sunday.  Don’t come alone.  A party is always better with a friend!



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