Scot’s Daily Word: People Pleaser

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  1. Ok, for lack of better words…. I have an opinion or cry for support. Let me create an atmosphere for you to insert your train of thought. Note to self…. This is George, pretty much….hhhhmmmm 320+ days a year. Thats how much I am with my co workers more than my family. So as a leader of my family I am some what letting them down. Providing if you will. My influence is absent. Work related. Very insecure, very bitter, very selfish.(selfish people in every way imaginable) that is. To back step. I work construction with the boilermakers Union. My faith is very strong but I am easily influenced. Not with denying my faith. But with not accomplishing or fulfilling gods will, nothing more is greater than that……society some what steers you down the wrong road. Oh man…. Scott I have never met you but I respect you and so does my family. I am losing my train of thought but I know this topic touches me and creates a gray area for how I can influence my peers or even the people who look up to me. Lol not sure if many do but I am sure they must since I am in the positions I am in so frequent. Anywhooooo scot I would love it if you and I could have lunch or dinner and speak on behalf of this daily quote. My treat! After the lunch the tables may turn. Please contact me at 8122514724 or my e-mail.

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