What’s so Wrong About Porn?

We don’t sugar coat things at MCC.  Last week we talked straight up to men, asking this question: are you a redeemer or a manipulator?  (Check out the video here or on our mobile app).  Let’s be honest guys, we have all manipulated women.  We have several things in our life that teach us how to manipulate women.  One of the greatest teachers of manipulation is pornography.

I run into some people who look at  porn and think it is not a problem.  So, what is the big deal, really?  Is it such a bad thing to look at porn?  I mean, I’m not harming anyone, right?  Think again, porn may be more harmful than we think.  


  1. It captures our imagination.  Look around.  Much of what you see was created by humans who used their imaginations.  See that chair?  Computer?  Shoes?  Somebody thought that up with their imaginations, then they created it.  I believe God placed in us a tremedous imagination. We should be imagining how we could creatively serve God instead of imagining how we could bed the chick we just saw on the computer.
  2. Time.  I’m HUGE on investment and return.  What do you have to show for the 4 hours you looked at porn this week?  Nothing but jacked up emotions and misplaced fantasies.  Fail.
  3. Future.  The more you look at porn, the more you damage your future.  It is a fact that images from porn burn into the brains of men.  We rarely forget the first naked picture we saw.  We take that into the future.
  4. Disrespecting.  Some of the latest studies suggest that men are projecting their porn fantasies into real life, expecting their wives or girlfriends to be as “exciting” as those on the screen.  When their significant other doesn’t live up to the expectation of fantasy, there is a letdown.  Might as well say “Honey, I was just watching porn and I want you to do the same things that this woman did.”  Ultimate disrespect.
  5. You are being lied to.  You hit the website.  There she is.  Waiting just for you.  She thinks you are hot.  She thinks you are superman.  She wants only you.  Get a grip!  She is doing this to make money.  She is acting.  And lying.  And you are being played.  Foolish.
  6. Imprisoning.  Your support and viewing of porn is keeping women in the porn industry.  She is a woman.  She has a soul.  She has dreams.  She has things she wants to do in life.  Her dream was likely not to be imprisoned by you.  Turn off the compter and set her, and yourself, free.
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photo by sgis


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